Cyber Security Consulting

Companies need a cyber security specialist to safeguard their valuable data, enhance their resilience, and maintain their trustworthiness.

In today’s digital world, companies face various cyber risks that can compromise their confidential information, disrupt their operations, or damage their reputation.

We will work closely with you and your IT team

No matter what size your business is, no one can afford to ignore the ever changing cyber landscape risks.

Companies need a cyber security specialist to monitor their digital assets, identify potential threats, and implement effective countermeasures. It is essential to ensure you are up to date in complying with legal and ethical standards, as well as ensuring continuous educate employees on best practices.

By working with Navillus Strategies, a specialist cyber security consultancy we can assist you with ensuring that your IT infrastructure is secure by evaluating who can assess, prevent, and respond to these risks using technical and analytical skills.

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Why Navillus?

We can help you design and implement a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy, ensuring that you protect your network, systems, and data from cyber threats and attacks. We can also help you conduct cybersecurity audits, assessments, and testing, as well as provide you with training and awareness programs for your staff and customers.

Access expertise and experience
Access expertise and experience
You can access the expertise and experience of cyber security professionals, who can advise you on the latest trends, threats, and best practices in the field.
Gain insight
Gain insight
You can gain an external perspective and insight on your IT security posture, which can help you identify and address any gaps, weaknesses, or issues that you may have overlooked or underestimated.
Save time and money
Save time and money
You can save time and money by outsourcing some of your IT security functions and tasks to a reliable and trusted partner, who can deliver high-quality and cost-effective solutions for your specific needs and challenges.
Increase your awareness
Increase your awareness
You can enhance your IT security awareness and culture, by learning from the cyber security consultants and leveraging their knowledge and skills for your own staff and customers.

Connect with your next IT Specialist

Speak to Navillus today to connect with your next IT specialist to unlock unparalleled expertise and propel your technology initiatives forward.

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Incident response and recovery

Incident response and recovery

We can help you prepare for and respond to cyber incidents and breaches, ensuring that you minimize the impact and damage to your business operations and reputation. We can also help you recover from cyber incidents and breaches, ensuring that you restore your IT services and data, as well as identify and implement the lessons learned and corrective actions.

Cyber Security FAQs

What is Cyber Security, and why is it important?

Cyber Security refers to the practice of protecting computer systems, networks, and data from unauthorized access, cyber attacks, and data breaches. It's crucial because it safeguards sensitive information, prevents financial losses, maintains business continuity, and preserves customer trust.

What are common cyber threats that organisations face?

organisations face various cyber threats, including malware, phishing attacks, ransomware, DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks, insider threats, and social engineering tactics. These threats can compromise data integrity, confidentiality, and availability, leading to significant financial and reputational damage.

How can individuals and businesses enhance their Cyber Security posture?

Individuals and businesses can improve their Cyber Security posture by implementing best practices such as using strong, unique passwords, enabling multi-factor authentication, keeping software and systems up to date with patches, conducting regular security awareness training, implementing firewalls and antivirus software, and regularly backing up critical data.

What is the role of Cyber Security regulations and compliance standards?

Cyber Security regulations and compliance standards, such as GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). or Cyber Essentials, set requirements and guidelines for organisations to protect sensitive data, report breaches, and ensure adequate Cyber Security measures are in place. Compliance with these regulations helps organisations avoid legal penalties, protect customer privacy, and maintain trust.