Cyber Essentials

Cyber Essentials, a foundational cybersecurity certification, safeguards your organisations by fortifying digital infrastructure against prevalent cyber threats.

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Cyber Essentials is a government-backed scheme that helps you protect your organisation from cyber attacks. By getting Cyber Essentials, you can:

Protect your business
Protect your business
Reduce the risk of data breaches, ransomware, phishing, and other common cyber threats by following best practices for secure IT systems and processes.
Gain trust
Gain trust
Demonstrate your commitment to cyber security and gain trust from your customers, suppliers, and stakeholders.
Access new opportunities
Access new opportunities
Access new business opportunities, especially in the public sector, where Cyber Essentials certification is often a requirement for contracts and tenders.
Save time and money
Save time and money
Save time and money by avoiding costly and disruptive cyber incidents, and improve your efficiency and productivity.
Boost your reputation
Boost your reputation
Boost your competitiveness and reputation in the digital market, and stand out from your competitors.
Avoid fines
Avoid fines
Comply with the Data Protection Act 2018 and GDPR, and avoid potential fines and reputational damage.
How do you get Cyber Essentials certification?

How do you get Cyber Essentials certification?

Our Cyber Essentials consultants will guide you through the certification process and help you achieve compliance with the five technical controls: secure configuration, boundary firewalls and internet gateways, access control, malware protection, and patch management.

By working with Navillus you will benefit from the expertise and experience of a qualified professional who can assess your current cyber security posture, identify any gaps or vulnerabilities, and provide practical recommendations for improvement.

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Cyber Essentials FAQs

What is Cyber Essentials and why is it important for businesses?

Cyber Essentials is a government-backed certification scheme designed to help organisations improve their Cyber Security posture and demonstrate their commitment to safeguarding against common cyber threats. It's important for businesses as it provides a baseline framework for implementing essential security measures and enhancing overall resilience against cyber attacks.

What are the benefits of achieving Cyber Essentials certification?

Achieving Cyber Essentials certification offers several benefits, including enhanced protection against cyber threats such as malware and phishing attacks, increased customer confidence and trust, eligibility for government contracts requiring Cyber Essentials certification, improved Cyber Security awareness and practices within the organisation, and potential reductions in cyber insurance premiums.

What security controls does Cyber Essentials cover?

Cyber Essentials focuses on five key security controls: boundary firewalls and internet gateways, secure configuration, access control, malware protection, and patch management. These controls are designed to address common vulnerabilities and mitigate the risk of cyber attacks targeting organisations' IT systems and data.

How can my organisation get Cyber Essentials certified?

To obtain Cyber Essentials certification, organisations need to undergo a self-assessment or engage with a certification body accredited by the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) to validate their compliance with the Cyber Essentials requirements. The certification process involves completing a questionnaire, implementing necessary security controls, and undergoing an assessment to verify compliance.